20th June 2023Grant Funding
Grant Funding Available for UK-based Start Ups in 2023
Below is a selection of the grants that are open to UK-based start-ups that show what is available.
19th June 2023Grant Funding
Grant Award Bodies in the UK: A Catalyst for Growth and Innovation
The United Kingdom, an innovation hub, and an economic powerhouse, is famous for a robust ecosystem of grant award bodies that cater to a variety of sectors and interests.
5th June 2023Announcements
Innovate UK pledges £100M to fund AI adoption
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a trending topic in all sectors right now. However, many have been slow to adopt and integrate this revolutionary technology - and to feel its benefits. Now, Innovate UK - which is the government’s innovation agency -
24th May 2023Grant Funding
Grant Funding: How can tech start-ups fund their ideas quickly
Funding can make all the difference when it comes to success or failure. Being able to get to market quickly requires an availability of resources, something that not all start-ups have.
18th May 2023Grant Funding
Are you likely to receive an innovation grant?
Innovation grant funding can be very valuable financial support for any business. This is money that comes either from the government or a private organisation and which is designed to be used for a specific purpose.
13th May 2023Grant Funding
Introducing Grant Advance Funding Through SPRK Capital
Sprk Capital is thrilled to announce the launch of grant advance funding, which originally came to market in 2022, designed to support innovative small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the UK.
5th May 2023R&D Tax Credits
Can Machine Learning Qualify for R&D Tax Relief?
While certain projects and use of machine learning might qualify as R&D under some standards, when it comes to R&D tax relief there are specific requirements that must be met.
25th April 2023R&D Tax Credits
R&D Tax Credits for the Agritech Sector
Any business in the Agritech sector in the UK could potentially have access to R&D tax credits that could be transformative for innovation and development.
20th April 2023Grant Funding
Grant Loans – A new way to finance UK innovation
Sprk launched its Grant Advance product into the UK market in 2022. We have seen huge demand from SMEs and the advisor community, so wanted to highlight how it can benefit you and your company as it engages in innovation.